“Promoting Your Brand” Classes Available
The value of being exposed to more marketing ideas will help you determine your marketing platform and your target audience. These concepts will be offered in another Social Media and Affiliate Marketing class by Angela Horn.

She’ll be covering basics in WordPress, a website platform, directing Social Media traffic to your Amazon title, and how these strategies can be used to develop your brand.
One: Ways to Promote your Book/ Product/ Services
Selling Amazon with affiliate marketing and linking; Campaigns on Social Media
Two: Blogs and Websites
How to use Social Media and your business website to attract clients, buyers, and drive traffic to your services.
Three: Social Media Platform
Promoting thru Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and their benefits.
Workshop focuses on Facebook that becomes a tool that networks to all of the extensive media outlets. They all work together in a giant spider web — the World Wide Web — your Internet platform.
Training available through Facebook with a group of authors who want to learn more about promoting their books and services they provide. Contact Angie at www.AngelaHorn.com.
While I personally recommend these workshops, not all authors will rely on all of these strategies. You’ll need to find the best tactics you find comfortable and beneficial. Some authors choose to pay for a management advisor to keep their Social Media connections working as an absentee author; others become immersed in their own PR plan and rely on training to fill the gaps as they develop their brand.
In any strategy you choose, your brand will carry on — once established — and be the strongest investment for your business as a professional author.